It was seven years ago..
Seven long years on an oddly cold summer night. If you asked me to remember everything about that night, I’d be at a loss, but the one thing I will remember. It was the night I met her. I was walking on a bridge over looking the lake down below. I remember thinking to myself, “Why put a side-walk on this long ass bridge? No one except my dumb-ass would walk it!” It was also that same night I had my final fight with my ex-fiancee. I walked out. Everything before then, total blur. I watched as the lake’s waves flowed in a seemingly endless forward direction when I heard tires screeching followed by a loud crash. I turned to find a small truck had crashed into the railings, having jumped the curb on to the sidewalk, half hang off the bridge. “Oh, Shit!”
I ran. I ran for what felt like forever while pushing myself beyond my limits to reach the vehicle. I was no spring chicken. In fact, I was fat. Still am, but not enough to warrant being slow. “Hey, are you alright!” I screamed, praying for a response of some sort. All I see is a man’s face bl**died and resting against what was the airbag infused steering wheel to the right of me and that’s when I heard a voice crying, “Help! Please! Help me!” I quickly turned my head to notice a little redheaded girl banging against the small rear cab glass, crying, panicking and bruised. “Damn it! Hold on!” I quickly look for hard objects in the back toolbox to strike the back glass with. I had to be careful, one strike could send this truck over and kill her and presumably her father inside. “How is your dad?! Can you tell if he’s breathing?” I asked her loudly as I continued to search, “I can’t tell! Please! Get us out of here!” That’s when I found it. The small crowbar in which could be this girl’s salvation. I had to get her out first. I grip the crowbar in baseball-like fashion preparing to strike the glass, “Okay! I want you to get down while I break the back glass! Okay? Get down!” It was then that I could see the fear in her eyes as she cried. She didn’t want to get down or hide, she wanted out, “Please get down for me? I will get you out, I promise! Please!”
“Will you help my dad!” Goddamn it! I didn’t know. My only concern was her. The only one reachable enough. What would he have done in his position? I knew what I had to do, “Get down, now!” I screamed. She ducks for cover as I strike the glass as hard as I could. I strike several more times cracking and breaking the glass apart when I heard it. That dreaded sound of a creak. “Oh, shit!” I finish breaking out the glass and call out for her,”Okay, I need you to crawl out!” She screams,”I’m scared!”
“I know you are. I will not let anything happen to you, okay? You are going to fine, I promise!”
She reaches out for me and I grabbed her hand. She quickly pulls herself out the back window, cutting herself up as she crawled out. Not once did she let go of my hand. The creak sounded again and then again, and another. “Come on, you can do it!” The little girl quickly go to her feet long enough to jump into my arms and push me down when the truck fell. The little girl quickly lifted herself off of me as she noticed the truck was missing. “Daddy?” She whimpered.
“Daddy!!” She wailed hysterically.
Slow to my feet, the girl quickly grabs hold of me tight as she cried for her father. No one has ever gripped me like that before. It was new and somewhat shocking. What do I do? I quickly kneel down and embraced her as she continued to cry while sirens begin to sound from a distance. That damned bridge. I remember that event so vividly. What came next left me with even more questions than answers.
The police, ambulances and fire trucks arrive to the scene shortly after I pulled the girl out. I watched as they questioned her to see how coherent she was,”What’s your name?”
“How old are you?”
I continued to watch on helplessly as she recounted the events leading up to the crash with very little emotion.
She gripped the cover the paramedics placed over her hard as each question kept driving in the fact that her father had died in front of her. I couldn’t help but, to place my hand on her shoulder as she began to weep again.
“Sir, Can I have you step over here?” The sergeant quickly called my attention away from Renee for a moment. I assumed it was to ask me questions about the accident.
“Do you know this little girl?”
“No, I was walking along the bridge walkway when I heard the truck crashing into the railing.”
I didn’t want to go through it again. I told my side of the story and that was that. Oh yeah, not to mention, to ex-fiancee kicking me out as well as it lead me to this point.
“Okay, we’re going to take the girl to County General so they can check her out. Do you need anything? A lift? A smoke?”
“No, I’m fine.”
“Can he come with me?” The little voice asked from behind.
“I don’t want to go alone…”
“Sir, we only allow f****y to ride along.” The paramedic calls out.
“Please? I want him with me!” she cried.
“Her mother will meet her there.”
“I’m not going without him!” another plea.
“Renee, you’ll be okay. I promise!”
“As long as you are with me!”
Damn it. Now what?
“I don’t suppose an exception can be made for our hero here, can it?” The officer candidly asks.
“Fine. You can ride along.”
“Back here with me!”
“Yeah, back there with you.” The paramedic responds.
The ride was silent. Too silent. All the while, Renee held my hand without any intention on letting go.
“Thank you…” I smiled back at her. It was a shame she had to go through this.
The following few hours came and went slowly. The mother had arrive having to come from two towns over to see her daughter in the ER. A uptight business woman type, I assumed. She shook my hand and gave me a hug, thanking me for saving her daughter’s life.
After all was said and done, I prepared to leave and as I began to walk out Renee called to me, “Hey mister. What’s your name?”
Damn. I was close to escaping. Not that I didn’t care or didn’t want to stay, but her mother was there and she was safe, “Daemon.”
“I like your name!”
“Thanks, Renee.”
The mother was sitting there watching us interact.
“Hey, would you give me your address? I got something for you as a gift for saving Renee and she
could write you.”
Shocked, I stammer, “I..i.I don’t know.”
“It’s completely fine. After all, you are our hero.”
That was that.
A month or two later I got something in the mail. It was a check. This woman was loaded. I tried to send the package back stating that I felt it was wrong to take anything for doing what I thought I had to do to ensure the safety of another person.
She insisted.
Many years have gone by since then. Renee continued to write me every month until she graduated. For a year or two, nothing. I haven’t moved. I invested the money I was forcibly given wisely into some high-yield savings and CDs. It worked out well. However, I still work.
I work in a low-rent office for a security firm. It was tedious, but it kept me out of trouble for the last fifteen years.
After work on my Friday, I decided,” What the hell?” and went to the closest Sex Shop I could find.
I’ve been to one often, but this time was different. I was tired of masturbating with just my fucking hand.
Years of shooting my cum with lubricated hands came to an end! I was damned determined!
“Can I help you sir?”
I snapped out of it and noticed I was already in the store looking at a variable wall of pocket-pussies and prostate simulators.
Many had nice labels on them and the cheap ones..well…looked cheap.
I slowly turned around to notice the hot blonde in front of me wearing a red and black corset along with the same themed skirt with no shorts on underneath. Is she trying to look like Harley Quinn?
“You’ve been staring at that masturbater for awhile. Are you interested in it?”
“One-hundred and twenty dollars. Nope.” Yeah, still a cheap skate.
She spends about twenty minutes telling me about the best ones they had to offer that didn’t have the price tag of a first-rate date.
Honestly, All I could think about was bending her over and shoving my hard throbbing cock into her wet pussy and fucking her until she couldn’t walk any longer. Or have her luscious red lipstick covered lips sucking down my juices as I climaxed in her mouth. Her breast, I just wanted to suck on them and have her suffocate me with them.
“Sir?” She called me back.
“You might want to cover your erection.”
“Shit!” I said to myself as I covered my hard-on from her. Note to self: Do not wear exercise pants with no boxers ever again!
“So, you want this one?” She asked, shit-face grin and all.
“I’ll take it!”
“Want Cherry Flavor lube with that?”
“That’ll be one-hundred twenty dollars and forty-three cents.”
“Fuck.” I said in my shame.
After that train wreck, I got home and decided walk around the house in the nude as always. Wanting to take my frustrations out on my new masturbater, I quickly grabbed my copy of Creampie Lilly 4, pressed play and sat in my recliner. Cock in erect position, drenched in cherry flavored lube and pocket pussy in hand. I slowly slip my hard cock into this device. It slipped in with no difficulty as it was begin massaged going in. I start pumping away slowly. Fucking my pocket pussy. The hot redhead on the screen was being breaded by several men in a movie theater playing another unrelated fuck movie. Faster and Faster, I pumped as the girl’s moans became more intense. I could feel my cock getting ready to explode with hot cum into my pocket pussy. Faster and Faster, I begin to moan and just like that.
A knock at the door.
I quickly stuff my pocket pussy into the recliner, turned off the DVD and quickly grabbed a tank top and shorts to throw on.
“Give me a second!” I struggled. Placing one foot into one short leg and placing the other one in the same. Fuck! It’s a dress.
I quickly adjust it to where both my legs were in the right holes.
I open the door slowly.
There she was. Beautiful smile, dark green eyes and fiery red hair. Not to mention, black low cut shirt and skin-tight jeans.
Oh damn, tanned skin – medium size breast and an ass to boot.
“Daemon! Hi!”
She quickly leaps into my arms, clutching me tightly and somewhat choking me.
“It’s been so long!” she exclaims.
“It’s..been..too…long!” She quickly lets go.
“It’s fine.”
“Want to come in?”
“Yes!” Her eyes lit up with excitement.
We sat there for a few minutes catching up with one another. She sat in my recliner as I sat on the adjacent couch. Apparently, she is about to start up college in New York, but refused because of her burn out of a boyfriend going as well.
“Remember that night you rescued me?”
“I never did thank you properly.”
Renee seemed to be hinting at something. She stared at me. Right in the eyes with a longing. A longing I couldn’t understand.
“You did. you and your mom both were grateful. I’m just glad to see you grew up into a beautiful young woman.”
“You know…I fell in love with you that night. I wanted to kiss you in the ER that night and never let go.”
What? I was dumbfounded by her words. She quickly took my hand into hers. “I would have let you take me that night, if you wanted.” She spoke softly.
What the fuck is this?
“I…I…” I struggled to get my words out. Like an idiot, I struggled. Here I am, Thirty-two and unable to talk to that same little girl I rescued as she hit on me with sexual intent. She stops for a moment and reaches for the inside of the recline. Oh shit!
She slowly pulls out my pocket pussy. Her face turns bright red as she looks at it, “What is this?!”
“Don’t laugh. I was….”
“Horny?” She interrupted.
Renee inspects the pocket pussy slowly. Looking at every detail and even opening it up. “It’s wet! Were you jacking off when I knocked?”
Shit. Cornered. How can I let a nineteen year old corner me like this!
“Were you thinking of me?” What is it with Renee and her loaded questions. She quickly notices the DVD casing. Fuck! I forgot that detail.
“Guess not.”
She stands up slowly, leaving the Pocket Pussy on the recliner and stands directly in front of me. She slowly takes both hands and removes her shirt revealing her unbound breast. Her nipples, light pink and hard, her chest heaving up and down from nervousness, I assumed. Renee turns around, pointing her small round ass at me as she undid her belt and pants button, slowly pulling them down to reveal her hairless slit. Holy shit! What’s happening here?
“I dreamed of this day since we met. ” She spoke softly, going down to her knees as she placed herself right in front of my now throbbing cock. Powerless, I watch on as she digs her fingers into the hem of my shorts to pull them down revealing my massive hard-on throbbing for her hands or lips to touch them. She slowly wraps her fingers around my cock slowly pumping it as she leaned in to suck on the head. I grip the couch as she continue to suck on the head and pumping slowly. Her eyes point directly at me as she stops for a single second, “Do you like what I’m doing, Daemon?”
“Oh god, baby. Yes…” She smiles briefly before opening mount and slowly taking my cock and wrapping her soft lips around it. She slowly moves up and down, sucking each time she went down. Oh god, I haven’t felt this in years. She continued to suck my throbbing cock while she started to fondle my balls in tandem. Slowly removing herself, she moves down to my balls and begins to suck on them one by one while she wrapped her hand around my cock once more and starts pumping it up and down. I could feel my cock beginning to tingle and my balls tighten as I began to climax, “I’m going to cum, baby!” Renee moans softly as she takes my cock into her mouth and pumps my cock with her hand as hard as she could. She continues to moan as I respond in kind,”Oh, baby. Oh yeah, here I cum…here I cum baby.” I explode. All the years of pent up sexual frustration and neglect all in the same moment. She sucks as my cock continued to pump out my cum. My hands tightly gripping the couch cushion in which I sat the sensitivity in my cock gives way.
She release my cock her the grip of her lips as she looked up with me and smiled. Did she just swallow?
“Taste better than I imagined.”
I join Renee on the floor, with my deflated cock in tow as I lay her down slowly. I move in between her legs and spread them slowly as I zeroed in her on beautiful breast. I lean in slowly, licking around her areola and gently grasping the other. My finger playing with her nipple as I begin to suck on the other. She gasp as I slowly wrapped my lips on her erect nipples and lightly pinched the other one. Her sweet moans making my cock hard again as it comes into contact with her drenched slit. I slowly move back and forth, rubbing my cock on her pussy lips as I sucked on her nipples. I could hear that voice in my head screaming to penetrate her and make her scream, but no. I have better plans,”Oh fuck…ooh…my god…” I continued to rock back and forth before I slowly moved down, kissing her breast, stomach and mound respectively. With my head between her legs with sweetest view I could imagine, I slowly trace my my index finger up and down her slit. Her bright red pussy pulsating with every touch I make, getting wetter and wetter, and her moans getting more intense, I slowly push my finger inside of her.